Creating An SSH Tunnel For VNC Using SecureCRT

This document makes a few assumptions. Pieces of information marked like <this> are meant to be replaced with your specific information. For example: you would replace <HOSTNAME> with the appropriate host name depending on which host you have been assigned to use. The same goes for <USERNAME> and <VNC Session Number>.

The first step is to launch SecureCRT. If you are not presented with the "Connect" window (see Figure 1): select the "File" menu and then "Connect". See figure 2.

Figure 1

Figure 2

From the "Connect" window (figure 1) click the "New Session" button (third from the left. See figure 1). A window similar to figure 3 should open.

Figure 3

Start by entering the following information:

Then click "Port Forwarding" under "Category". The window should change to reflect this selection and should be similar to figure 4.

Figure 4

Click the "Add" button. A window similar to figure 5 will open.

Figure 5

To create the tunnel, you must enter the requested information in the following manner:

Your VNC session should be two digits for this purpose. As we see in figure 3: if your VNC session number is 1 you would enter 5901 for both Local and Remote port.

When you have finished: click the "Ok" button. The new session window will update to reflect your changes. It should appear similar to figure 6.

Figure 6

Click the "Ok" button to complete the addition of the new session. To use the session you have created: double-click the session name. Authenticate as usual.

The last step is to start your VNC client. When prompted for hostname: use localhost:<VNC Session Number> (see figure 6)rather than <HOSTNAME>:<VNC Session Number>.

Figure 6

Last modified: Fri Aug 2 15:09:35 EDT 2002